Air pollution control
The research activities concentrate on waste gas treatment and air pollution control of industrial plants. The group comprises extended experiences in the area of biological and thermal waste treatment as well as in chemical industry.
The air pollutants SO2, NOx, N2O, NH3, volatile organic hydrocarbons (VOC) and mercury (Hgmet und total Hg) are of main concern. The research is performed in lab scale and pilot plants as well as industrial plants with modern portable measurement equipment.
Selected projects:
- Determination and reduction of diffuse liquid and gaseous emissions in the chemical and petrochemical industry (UFOPLAN2000 and industrial projects)
- Investigations of Temperaturexkursionen in SCR-DeNOx-/DeDioxin-Anlagen of incinerations
- Evaluation and reduction of N2O-emissions
- Comparative assessment of VOC reducing technologies
- Evaluation of the long-term stability of De-NOx-catalysts
- Developing and testing of new biofilters
- Optimisation of waste gas treatment plants according to 30. BImSchV
- Improving of Hg- deposition (Quecksilberabscheidung) in waste gas
Experimental devices:
- catalytic off gas treatment
- thermal waste gas treatment
- biofilter and washer
- one zone / multi zone tube furnaces (rohröfen) (up to 1200°C)
- gas mixing station to produce waste gas similar to industrial waste gas
- Gas-analysers (computer controlled for NO, NO2, CO, SO2, SF6)
- NDIR-multi component process photometer MCS 100 (NH3, HCl, H2O, CO, N2O, CO2)
- portable analysis device for immission control (SO2, H2S, NOx, O3, dust)
- gas chromatograph / mass detector equipped with thermodesorption and head space analysis
- continously Hg-emission analysis for Hg(met) and total Hg